Monday, April 11, 2011

The Role of Technology in Removing Dictators

I am gust wandering of what is going on right now in the Middle East countries. As we all know and since the beginning of this year many people in the Middle East start to raise voices against the current regimes in order to make change in their countries. Most of these movements were started by small group of people who tried to organize some kind of demonstration by using handheld devices or PCs to communicate with each others in the city or the neighborhood where they live because meeting and gathering is prohibited in these countries by the state laws.

But as soon as people get the email, face book, twitter, wiki and other communication means to contact with each others, they found the means and ways of how to flood in the streets, topple dictators and end corruption in a way they can`t achieve it without these tools. People start to notify each other’s and ignited the demonstration gradually by sending some video and photo to the activists and media outside their countries in order to spread them to the other people abroad because the public media is stopped in these countries. People know the way to twitter each other’s even when the internet was shut down by the governments. This is just an example of what we can do these handheld technology in our today`s world.



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