Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can Information and Communications Technology Contribute to Poverty Reduction

            Information and technology can help poor people by finding access to education, health, local government and international institutions and organizations which may help them to reduce the level of poverty.
            This article is about rural area in general and rural Indian in specific where people like farmers and nomads is being exploited by the companies and entrepreneurs. Some people tried to help these people by connecting them to the world around them by any means of technology in order to keep them updated about the prices of their productions and the local and international circumstances around them. The introduced different types of communication technology one of them for example, Dairy Information System Kiosk (DISK) software developed by the Centre for Electronic Governance at the Indian Institute of management, they introduce telemedicine which helped in diminish the cost of long travel. Also information communication technology helps people to communicate better and easy with their governments instead of travelling long distance to reach them. The very important thing for poor people is microfinance to reduce the poverty level, by introducing ICT poor people can have access to microfinance, Smart Cards and software systems providing loan tracking and financial management.       
            The only thing that I would like to know is the potential risks of this type of projects. In many cases the target person does not benefit from the final effort of the project.  Personally I grew up in a developing country and I worked with two developmental projects, in both of them the last beneficiary is not the rural person.

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